  • 甜言蜜语1985



    Suspended between carefree youth and the harsh realities of the adult world, a teenage girl experiences an unsettling awakening in this haunting vision of innocence lost. Based on the celebrated short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, th郭德纲相声全集mp3e narrative debut from Joyce Chopra features a revelatory breakout performance by Laura Dern as Connie, the fifteen-year-old black sheep of her family whose summertime idyll of beach trips, mall hangouts, and innocent flirtations is shattered 同学聚会男女搂抱成悲剧by an encounter with a mysterious stranger (a memorably menacing Treat Williams). Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Smooth Talk captures the thrill and terror of adolescent sexual exploration as it transforms the conventions of a coming-of-age story into something altogether more troubling and profound.

  • 雪山镇 第一季



  • 婴儿争夺战


    一位妇女很高兴生下了一个女婴,但当她失踪时,她的生活就变成了一场噩梦。警察进行了疯狂的策驰影院 电视搜查,但令这名妇女感到恐惧的是,她发现自己才是主要嫌疑人。

  • 甜言蜜语 1985


    悬浮在无忧无虑的青年和成人世界的严酷现实之间,一个十几岁的女孩在这种失去纯真的幻觉中经历了一种令人不安的觉醒。改编自著名的短篇小说“你要去哪里,你去过哪里?”乔伊斯·卡罗尔·奥茨 (Joyce Carol Oates) 执导,乔伊斯星辰大海电视剧在线观看·乔普拉 (Joyce Chopra) 的叙事处女作以劳拉·邓恩 (Laura Dern) 饰演康妮 (Connie) 的启发性突破表演为特色,康妮是她家 15 岁的害群之马,她夏日的海滩旅行、逛商场和无辜调情的田园诗被一个遇到一个神秘的陌生人(一个令人难忘的来势汹汹的 Treat Williams)。 Smooth Talk 是圣丹斯电影节评审团大奖的获得者,它捕捉了青少年性探索的兴奋和恐惧,因为它将成年故事的惯例转变为更令人不安和深刻的东西。

  • 甜言蜜语1985



      Suspended between carefree youth and the harsh realities of the adult world, a teenage girl experiences an unsettling awakeningjapanesemature成熟乱 in this haunting vision of innocence lost. Based on the celebrated short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates, the narrative debut from Joyce Chopra features a revelatory breakout performance by Laura Dern as Connie, the fifteen-year-old black sheep of her family whose summertime idyll of beach trips, mall hangouts, and innocent flirtatio2012高清免费完整版国语版ns is shattered by an encounter with a mysterious stranger (a memorably menacing Treat Williams). Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Smooth Talk captures the thrill and terror of ad燃烧的夜晚olescent sexual exploration as it transforms the conventions of a coming-of-age story into something altogether more troubling and profound.




